19世纪40年代后期,成千上万的人踏上前往西部内华达山脉(Sierra West)淘金的征程,希望捕捉到稍纵即逝的机会,获取一笔意想不到的财富。这些勇士很多都是乘坐四轮马车跨越内华达山脉,最终到达即将成为金州的加利福尼亚。在游戏“内华达山脉”中,你扮演一位领队,带领一群粗枝大条的西部开拓者们,小心翼翼,步步为营,精打细算,最终穿越内华达山脉。


游戏还包括David Turczi设计的SOLO模式。

In Taluva, players attempt to successfully settle a South Sea island slowly emerging from the ocean waters as volcano after volcano erupts.
Each turn, players decide to either have a new volcano erupt along the shore, increasing the size of the island, or to have an existing volcano erupt again, increasing the height of the land around it (and possibly destroying parts of existing settlements). They do this by placing a new tile, consisting of one volcano and two other types of landscape. A tile must always touch at least one other tile, when placed at sea level, or be placed on top of at least two other tiles (without any gaps under the land being created), with the volcano being placed on top of an existing volcano.
Next, the player will place one or more wooden buildings; huts, temples or towers. Settlements must always start at the lowest level, by placing a single hut. From there on, existing settlements may expand by placing huts on all hexes of a single type of terrain around the settlement, with t